ESP8266 Programmer and Test Development Board

ESP8266 Programmer and Test Development Board
- Suitable for firmware programming and testing of ESP-12, ESP-07, ESP-01 and other modules using the ESP-12 form factor
- One-click firmware auto-download function for ease of use
- Safe and reliable with a long service life and compact size
- Mounted on a perspex base for stability and protection
- Power, Tx, Rx indicators and serial port communication indicator LEDs for easy monitoring
- All GPIO and programming pins are broken out to the pin headers for easy access during testing
- Can be used as a solder-free system development board or for small batch programming
- Compatible with development platforms including Arduino IDE, EspHome, PlatformIO, and Tasmotizer
* Windows and MacOS users may need to install drivers for the CH340 serial adapter chip
Whether you're a professional engineer, hobbyist, or student, the ESP8266 Programmer and Test Development Board is a valuable addition to your toolkit. With its compact size, ease of use, and wide range of features, it's the perfect tool for anyone looking to quickly and easily program and test their ESP8266 projects.